Laster Arrangementer

NFAS’ networking event June 2022


08. jun 2022 – 08. jun 2022




Powerhouse Brattørkaia


At last week's networking event for NFAS members (June 8th, 2022), key organizations shared news and updates from ongoing projects regarding maritime autonomy. Important discussions also took place, which gave us valuable input for future work.

Norway has established itself as a world leader in developing autonomous and sustainable technologies and solutions for maritime applications. But what is our recipe for success? How far have we come? And what is being done to strengthen Norways position in this field of great economic and environmental potential?

During NFAS’ networking event on June 8, 2022, at Powerhouse in Trondheim, key players shared their thoughts on these and other issues. They gave us updates on ongoing projects and developments regarding maritime autonomous systems and technologies. We also had the pleasure of inviting members to an informal afternoon gathering on June 7 at Maritime Robotics.

Agenda and presentations:

10:00 – Start

  • International development on MASS: IMO, standards and our competitors
    Ørnulf Rødseth, NFAS: View presentation (PDF)
  • Development of “Risk-Based Assessment Tool for MASS (RBAT MASS)” for EMSA
    Remi Pedersen, DNV: View presentation (PDF)
  • UML-based methodology for description and documentation of MASS
    Lars Andreas Wennersberg, SINTEF: View presentation (PDF)

11:15 – 15 min. break

  • USV versus MASS: Should NFAS also include USV?
    Børge Kjelstad, Maritime Robotics: Presentation not available
  • New solutions for personal safety for autonomous passenger transport – AUTOSAFE
    Even Ambros Holte, SINTEF & Øyvind Smogeli, Zeabuz: View presentation (PDF)

12:20 – 50 min. lunch break

14:00 – 10 min. break

15:00 – Finish