Currents 2018
Montreal Montreal,CanadaTest
International Conference on Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships 2020
Ulsan, South Korea Ulsan,Korea, Republic ofThe EU Ship Autonomy and Sustainability Summit
Brussel Brussel,BelgiumInternational Ship Autonomy and Sustainability Summit
OsloNFAS cooperates with the European Commission’s Directorate General for Transport (DG MOVE), Directorate for waterborne transport, and Nor-Shipping to bring you the most up-to-date insight into developments in the area of autonomous ships. These and other important aspects of autonomous shipping will be discussed on 12 January at Nor-Shipping.
Arbeidsgruppemøte mai 2022: Standarder og regelverk
Sjøfartsdirektoratet, Strandgata 19, Oslo Strandgata 19,Oslo,NorwayTirsdag 31. mai 2022 kl. 10:00–15:00 holdt NFAS' nye arbeidsgruppe for standarder og regelverk et arbeidsmøte i Sjøfartsdirektoratets lokaler i Oslo. Et av hovedtemaene var gjennomgang av pågående arbeid rundt definisjoner og begreper innen autonome systemer for skip. Her finner du presentasjoner og relevante dokumenter fra arbeidsmøtet: NFAS: Agenda (PDF) Sjøfartsdirektoratet: IMO MSC 105 og…
NFAS’ networking event June 2022
Powerhouse Brattørkaia Brattørkaia 17,TrondheimNorway has established itself as a world leader in developing autonomous and sustainable technologies and solutions for maritime applications. But what is our recipe for success? How far have we come? And what is being done to strengthen Norways position in this field of great economic and environmental potential? During NFAS' networking event on June…
Ocean Autonomy Conference
Trondheim Trondheim,NorwayÅrsmøte og fagdag 2022
Powerhouse Brattørkaia Brattørkaia 17,TrondheimNFAS inviterer til årsmøte med faglig innhold.
The 4th International Ship Autonomy and Sustainability Summit
Nova Spektrum Messeveien 8,2004 Lillestrøm,NorwayThe International Ship Autonomy and Sustainability Summit is the leading international conference for decision and strategy makers within the area of autonomous ships. It aims to have an up-to-date and practical foundation.