NFAS Opening Conference
Oslo1. Åpning av NFAS - autonome skip i Norge, Samferdselsminister Ketil Solvik-Olsen 2. Regelverk og flaggstat, Sjøfartsdirektør Olav Akselsen 3. Farleder og uttesting, Kystdirektør Kirsti Slotsvik 4. Offentlig rett og folkerett, Henrik Ringbom, UiO 5. Privatrett, Erik Røsæg, UiO 6. MUNIN prosjektet, Ørnulf Jan Rødseth, MARINTEK 7. Fjernstyrte og autonome skip, Jann Peter Strand, Rolls…
Seminar – Maritime communication for autonomous vessels
Trondheim Trondheim, NorwayThis seminar was arranged as a cooperation between NFAS, the gemini centre of maritime communication at SINTEF and NTNU and IAP Norway. The main theme was maritime communication for autonomous ships and vehicles. In addition it gave an overview of new Norwegian research projects in the area of maritime communication and autonomous ships. The presentations…
Safe positioning and navigation for autonomous surface vessels
NTNU Trondheim NTNU, Trondheim, NorwayAutonomy and Safety when the Human is in the Loop
NTNU Trondheim NTNU, Trondheim, NorwayOcean Week 2018
"Ocean Change". There have been several NFAS events during the week. Authorities workshop - Afternoon May 7th Norwegian Coastal State Perspective, Trond Langemyr, Norwegian Coastal Administration Norwegian Flag State Perspective, Svein David Medhaug, Norwegian Maritime Authority Regulating experiments with Smart Shipping in The Netherlands, Bart van Gent, Ministry of Infrastructure, Netherlands Testing & Operation…